Prague Should Have a Red Light District
It is embarrassing that all these cabarets and night clubs are so near to the center of the city, says student (26) from Ohio who is studying economics and political science at the Faculty of Social Science.
Časopis studentů Fakulty sociálních věd Univerzity Karlovy v Praze
It is embarrassing that all these cabarets and night clubs are so near to the center of the city, says student (26) from Ohio who is studying economics and political science at the Faculty of Social Science.
On the last Wednesday of this month (March 29th 2006) students from Canada and Mexico organized a special party where they introduced their countries. This party was special because you could have met people who study either at Charles University or at CVUT in Prague.
Yes, the 14th March 2006 is nothing else for students of the Faculty of Social Science than an unforgettable experience thanks to the untraditional ball which took place in Abaton – a club that used to be an old factory!
Hanka 22 years old from Germany
“I’m studying in the Czech Republic because I would like to improve my English; in Frankfurt I’m studying History of Arts and Slav languages. My father is Czech. I’m accommodated in Větrník, where everyone on the corridor looks like a ghost. I have problems with the language, but not many as I have been to the Czech Republic before to visit my grandmother. I love Czech knedlíky and I think svičková je velmi dobrý.”
Bueno, por que vine acá ? La verdad… no lo se bien todavia, pero eso no es el tema. Lo cierto es que llegue bien, y mejor aún luego de aterrizar, todo ha sido bastante bueno, incluso, mucho de lo que en otra situación u otro pais hubiese sido desagradable, se ha vuelto una experiencia interesante de vida.
Questions :
1) Why did you choose the Czech Republic for your Erasmus experience?
2) What has been the biggest disappointment here for you so far?
3) How do you think the Czech people behave towards foreigners?
Another semester has begun. For the members of the Int’l club and for the newcomers from abroad, it always starts a week earlier. All together we managed to survive and to enjoy the Orientation week – the last week of September.
Polák, který přijede do České republiky poprvé, žasne! „Kde jsou lidé?” láme si hlavu v sobotu na náměstí v malém Náchodě i v neděli v ulicích velké Ostravy. „Kde jsou auta, kterých je v Polsku hodně i v tom nejmenším zapadákově?” Hned dospívá k názoru, že Češi jsou ospalý, nudný národ, který celý víkend sedí u televize. Jeho sebevědomí roste a cítí se být lepším.
Is there still a difference between western and eastern Europe?…Pardon the central European student mentality. To tell you the truth: I don´t know. I am studying in the former Eastern part of Berlin at Humboldt University. Having been an Erasmus student at Charles University, all I can say is that there is a big difference between the student mentality at these two universities.