Autor: Kristýna Pašková | Datum: 1.5.2007 | Rubrika: Intl |
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Klíčová slova: Erasmus, International Club
Mezinárodní klub na FSV už řadu let nabízí široké spektrum aktivit. Na začátku semestru orientační týden, pak se rozbíhá kolo párty, výletů a exkurzí, které jsou otevřené také pro „domorodce“. „Čeští studenti mají však o naše akce překvapivě malý zájem,“ říká člen klubu Michal Čulík.
Autor: Martin Polívka | Datum: 1.5.2007 | Rubrika: Fakulta a univerzita, Intl |
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Klíčová slova: International Club, ples, SIMS, SIPS
Netradiční ples, který Fakulta sociálních věd uspořádala loni na jaře v klubu Abaton, se setkal s obrovským úspěchem u studentů i pedagogů. Na uspořádání obdobné akce i v letošním roce však fakulta rezignovala, a tak se iniciativu rozhodli převzít sami studenti.
Autor: Ondřej Lemel | Datum: 1.1.2007 | Rubrika: Intl |
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Klíčová slova: International Club
„Slyšel jsi někdy něco o International Club?“ ptá se v jinonickém bufetu očividný prvák svého kolegy. „Jasný,“ reagoval jeho spolužák, „zrovna minulý týden jsem byl na nějaké jejich party. Seznámil jsem se tam s jednou Mexičankou a Australankou.“
Autor: Kathleen B. Geaney | Datum: 1.11.2006 | Rubrika: Intl |
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Vašek and Ondra study at the Institute of International Studies. They became involved in the activities of the International club last year. Now, they are not only two buddies but they are responsibles for organizing parties and trips.
Autor: Kathleen B. Geaney | Datum: 10.5.2006 | Rubrika: Intl |
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Every year quite a lot of foreigners decide to spend a year studying in the Czech Republic either in Prague or in other Czech cities such as Olomouc or Brno. Most of them come to Prague, about eight hundred each year study at Charles University, more then two hundred and fifty at University of Economics, and slightly less at Czech Technical University.
Autor: externí | Datum: 10.5.2006 | Rubrika: Intl |
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Prague, the city of Kafka and Kundera, of stunning monuments and more stunning women, of Bohemian culture and a visible face of new age capitalism’s resuscitation, bla bla bla…. There’s more to Prague than that, you figure that out when you stop thinking like a tourist and start thinking like a poorly adapting resident.
Autor: Kathleen B. Geaney | Datum: 10.5.2006 | Rubrika: Intl |
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“Prague is a beautiful and decent city but it is really embarrassing to have all these cabarets so near to Wenceslas Square, you would not find this near Champs Ellysee for example,” says Nathan Henceforth who is studying political science and economics at the Faculty of Social Science.
Autor: externí | Datum: 30.4.2006 | Rubrika: Intl |
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Nothing prepares you for the fortress like appearance of Hostivar as you drive up to it.
The International office mails you a little brochure that says little, with your admission papers, the website too has little to offer. The Kolej Hostivar grounds comprise ten, monumental concrete structures, that stick out like sore thumbs, amongst the hushed houses that surround it, little tribute to their communist inspired heritage. The first four buildings that house the International students, are interconnected via long passageways and share a common reception area, the remaining standalone structures house hordes of Czech & Slovak students from the University’s many faculties.
Autor: Kathleen B. Geaney | Datum: 30.4.2006 | Rubrika: Intl |
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It is embarrassing that all these cabarets and night clubs are so near to the center of the city, says Nathan Henceroth (26) from Ohio who is studying economics and political science at the Faculty of Social Science.
Autor: Kathleen B. Geaney | Datum: 30.4.2006 | Rubrika: Intl |
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On the last Wednesday of this month (March 29th 2006) students from Canada and Mexico organized a special party where they introduced their countries. This party was special because you could have met people who study either at Charles University or at CVUT in Prague.